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Embedded tech blog : MCU on Eclipse

I read this blog:

One of the best blogs with real value and original content. Written by a professional engineer who knows his stuff, named: Prof. Erich Styger. His words: "When I had to decide about what I should study at ETH Zürich, I was bouncing back and forth between Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. Although I ended up studying Computer Science, I always had one foot in the domain of Electrical Engineering. Because of this, 'Embedded Systems' and the world of microcontrollers, hardware, and software have been my home for more than 25 years."

If you are into writing "Embedded" Software, you should definitely check it out.


Ik lees deze blog:

Een van de beste blogs met echte waarde en originele inhoud. Geschreven door een professionele ingenieur die zijn vak verstaat, genaamd: Prof. Erich Styger. Zijn woorden: "Toen ik moest beslissen wat ik zou gaan studeren aan de ETH Zürich, twijfelde ik tussen Informatica en Elektrotechniek. Hoewel ik uiteindelijk Informatica heb gestudeerd, had ik altijd één voet in het domein van de Elektrotechniek. Hierdoor zijn 'Embedded Systems' en de wereld van microcontrollers, hardware en software al meer dan 25 jaar mijn thuis."

Als je geïnteresseerd bent in het schrijven van "Embedded" Software, moet je deze blog zeker eens bekijken.


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Denon DHT T100 DESIGNED TO FAIL : bad caps (ceramic caps this time)

A friend gave me a Denon DHT-T100 to look at. Do not spend much time on it.. ok. It had a problem, it started clicking and ticking after power on, and after some time. (a so called intermittent problem) Sometimes it did not tick or click, but it was basically not usable. The clicking had a sharp click in one channel and repeated after about a second, then sound recovered and it would click and drop out again. He told me, do not spend any time on it, yeah, right. ;-) like I would give up after 15 minutes. I wanted to know what was going on with this thing, I found some schematic online and started measuring the usual things. The power supply, 24V did it drop down when a tick occurred ? Difficult to find out because sometimes the thing would play for hours without a glitch. I eventually found out the 24 V PSU, the step down SMPS on board and the LDO's were all ok, all power rails remained within spec, but it still glitched sometimes. (while power was ok) I investigat

Fixed voltage on cheap buck converter (MP1584) conversion with single 0805 resistor

Everywhere I look on the Ali and Ebays I see these step down converters based on MP1584. I bought a couple and actually they are not bad at all. The output voltage is set by the trimming-resistor in the left top corner of the picture. This works OK, but.. it is dangerous because it is rather sensitive to the touch. I decided that I wanted fixed output, so I had to figure out how this thing worked. The datasheet looks like this : R1 in the datasheet is what I call "R feedback" in my image. The value of R2 is mostly 8.2K Ohm in the boards I have seen.  So to set some common values for output voltage: change R1 to 27K for 3V3 output (actually 3.4 volt, but 27K is a standard value) or change R1 to 43K0 for 5.0 Volt output. (43 K is a standard value) A standard 0805 size resistor fits precisely, how convenient ;-). Make sure the other resistor is really 8.2K because that determines the feedback ratio. This way you can not burn up your circ

Raspberry Pi, PyFace Digital, the lost documentation, I found it finally

The Raspberry PI or R-pi from  is well known these days. It is not an accident that I have one, I have been doing Linux stuff since 1991, and professionally since 1996 I can not skip over these developments, have to keep up with the new kids. :-) Times have changed, hardware has become very affordable, everybody knows the Arduino , Raspberry Pi and Beagle-Bone-Black (BBB). Not everybody knows the stuff that  aka Acme-Systems and  aka  Olimex make, so I will endorse them here. Since I am an engineer I expect to connect switches and relays to the boards and some documentation with products, not so with the " PiFace Digital " board, it comes without serious documentation, not a even the schematic. All links on their blog point nowhere. People asked them many times, yet nowhere is the schematic to be found. I finally found some info after hours of google-work, someone made a c