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Posts uit 2018 tonen

Vrouwen quotum via wetten en regels, is dat wel doordacht en verstandig?

als reactie op ; is-een-vrouwenquotum-echt- nodig/ Titel is : 6 tips om meer vrouwen naar de top te krijgen By Anita Otchere | September 5, 2016 Ik was ervan uitgegaan dat het mogelijk was inhoudelijk te reageren op de vraag en de zes genoemde punten en de vraag : "is een vrouwenquotum echt nodig?" Ik begin te twijfelen of dit wel de bedoeling was van de schrijver omdat mijn schrijfsel dat ik 3x heb gepost als reactie, maar niet geplaatst wordt. UPDATE: Na diverse emails heen en weer met de redactie van de website is mijn reactie uiteindelijk wel geplaatst op 23-7-2018. Mijn originele reactie had ik geplaatst op 22-6-2018. Eens kijken of we nu inhoudelijk kunnen discussiëren. Update : 18/6/2019 De TU/e Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (waar ik 3 jaar gewerkt heb in de research) heeft nu ook een ondoordachte ideologie op basis van discriminatie aangenomen :

Fixed voltage on cheap buck converter (MP1584) conversion with single 0805 resistor

Everywhere I look on the Ali and Ebays I see these step down converters based on MP1584. I bought a couple and actually they are not bad at all. The output voltage is set by the trimming-resistor in the left top corner of the picture. This works OK, but.. it is dangerous because it is rather sensitive to the touch. I decided that I wanted fixed output, so I had to figure out how this thing worked. The datasheet looks like this : R1 in the datasheet is what I call "R feedback" in my image. The value of R2 is mostly 8.2K Ohm in the boards I have seen.  So to set some common values for output voltage: change R1 to 27K for 3V3 output (actually 3.4 volt, but 27K is a standard value) or change R1 to 43K0 for 5.0 Volt output. (43 K is a standard value) A standard 0805 size resistor fits precisely, how convenient ;-). Make sure the other resistor is really 8.2K because that determines the feedback ratio. This way you can not burn up your circ...

Roman playing sword with my maker-girl

My girl has a classical Roman name "Diana" and with school visited the German city of Xanten. Xanten was a Roman settlement for about 400 years, starting about 15 years BC. She bought a wooden sword (inspired by the Roman Gladius sword). We decided to make it more realistic, I call that some good quality time with my girl. I had seen this youtube video some time ago by Adam Savage. And what he can do, we can do too we decided ;-) We gathered the materials, the aluminium tape and the 'fake' leather.  Grandmother had some stuff in stock. We covered the 'blade' (in Dutch 'Kling van het zwaard' of ook wel 'lemmet' of 'blad' genoemd) with the thin metal foil that is sold for repairing ducts, it costs about 2 euro for 5 meters and it looks very realistic. After we carefully applied it, make sure you do not stick it to itself ;-)  We used some scotch-bright (Dutch : keuken schuursponsje) to dull th...

DPS5005 power supply, remote control using python serial port modbus

Just a short one. I bought one of these things. It can do 50 volt 5 Amp, I have not looked at the quality of the output (noise, overshoot all unknown to me)  but should be alright to control a lamp, a battery or a strip of LED's is my guess. You can easily control the current and voltage output using a serial port. (a usb-serial-rs485 was provided) I seems to talk modbus protocol. To change the baud rate and modbus-slave-address, keep POWER button pressed during power on, this will enter you into the configuration menu. register list here : Register Map for this device. Function Description Number of bytes Decimal places UNIT Read/Write Register address U-SET Voltage setting 2 2 V R/W 0000H I-SET Current setting 2 3 A R/W 0001H UOUT Output voltage display value 2 2 V R 0002H IOUT Output...